Jimmy Akin explains
just what's at stake in this election. Check it out. Thanks to the
lovely Jeanetta for the link.
I have a friend who is, in all visible respects, a faithful Catholic, but is voting for Kerry. I just can't understand how someone who is not, as far as I can see, a cafeteria Catholic can justify voting for Kerry.
I just don't get it.
For me, the issue is clear --
John Kerry is morally bankrupt, and therefore unfit to be president. It's really that simple. Any man who can claim that life begins at conception, yet support the killing of innocent life, has no moral compass and shouldn't be elected dogcatcher, much less President of the United States. And it's not just abortion! He's wrong on abortion, yes, but also on embryonic stem cells, and on gay marriage. Not clear on euthanasia. He's wrong on some many issues that are not negotiable because they are intrinsically evil! Why can't people understand that? Is it that they don't think 1+ million dead babies a year are important, or that the economy or the war in Iraq outweighs that? Or do they not think Kerry's serious in intending to only nominate judges who will continue to legislate the Culture of Death from the bench? What is it?
I just don't get it. Why is it that a Methodist can speak movingly of building a culture of life in the U.S. but a former altar boy (as he likes to remind us) can't even speak the words, can't even speak for those unable to speak for themselves?
I just don't get it.