Monday, September 25, 2006


It appears Archbishop Milingo has gone into schism by ordaining 4 married men as bishops. The Baltimore Sun reports also.

Thanks to Peter Edwards for the links. Check out his commentary. Apparently all concerned are excommunicated, but the consecrations are valid. *sigh*

Saturday, September 23, 2006

It's been an interesting week. Wednesday I went to choir practice at St. Cecilia's. It's a nice bunch and I think I'll really enjoy singing with them. Today I talked with the director of the Oregon Chorale, and he invited me to join them (I auditioned for them in March, I think). So... I'll be joining them Monday. I'm really looking forward to it.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Religion of Peace strikes again. It's pretty ironic that the quote in question talked about converting people by the sword, which is exactly what Al-Qaeda is threatening to do.
Sorry I've fallen off the face of the earth!

I went to Arizona for about 9 days, where I visited with friends and family and got to go to lots of my favorite places. It was a really nice vacation and it was good to be back. Sunday 9/10 I got to sing with the Schola again; we did the Palestrina "Assumpta Est Maria" and "Sicut Cervus". It was glorious. I also got to see my oldest goddaughter play her very first soccer game! Issie did a great job, which isn't surprising since her parents are coaches and her older siblings all play. Still, she did really well -- much better than the other 4 year olds! I was impressed.

After I got back I had a fun time digging out at work. They still haven't told us specifically who they are letting go and what programs they are canceling or curtailing. It's been stressful.

I decided to join the choir at my parish (St. Cecilia); I talked to the choir director yesterday after Mass. Rehearsals are Wednesdays 7-9.