Monday, June 25, 2007

Good news for Tucson ... StarNet reports that it looks like the central city aquifer is beginning to recover from decades of overpumping.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I was shopping at the grocery store over the weekend and a woman was shopping with her small child (probably 2-3). She was speaking to the child saying things like "no, Mommy can't do that" and "don't pull Mommy's hair" and so forth.

It occurred to me later, what's the deal with referring to yourself in the 3rd person? Why do people do this? They do it with children a lot and we tend to not think anything of it, but it's really rather strange when you think about it.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Woo-hoo!! The UA Wildcat softball team wins the Women's College World Series!!!!

This is their 2nd straight, and their 8th time on top. These women are AMAZING! Go Cats!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Holy cow! YouTube is amazing.... I just discovered there's a bunch of video of the Pride of Arizona Marching Band on there... it makes me so homesick! Check this out:

Saturday, June 02, 2007

So... tonight we had our first of two performances of the last concert of the year for the Oregon Chorale. It was at a church in Tigard. We've had sunny and (for here) warm weather, and this place apparently had NO air conditioning. It was really hot!

Marie had our season ticket for the concert, but she didn't come, which hurt.

The last piece for the concert was the Barber "Agnus Dei" (choral setting of "Adagio for Strings"). It's such a powerful, intense piece. Some of my fellow basses were commenting afterward on what an intense, emotional experience it was, and it's true. It takes a lot out of you. Music like this is what makes life... worth living.