- the Agony in the Garden
- the Scourging at the Pillar
- the Crowning of Thorns
- Jesus carries His Cross
- The Passion and Death of the Lord
As I started, the thought came to mind.. " I don't want this. Lord, I don't want to do the Sorrowful Mysteries. Can't I do the Joyful ones? I want something happy today."
And... that's the point, isn't it? Jesus would have liked to skip the sorrowful ones too! He asked the Father for that. But it was not to be.
My lesson (reminder) for the day... sometimes it's hard. Sometimes we have to do the hard thing. Jesus didn't promise us we wouldn't have hard times (quite the opposite, despite what some preachers say!). He DID promise us that He'd be with us, and he sent us the Spirit to get us through. So... a good lesson to renew commitments and keep on keeping on.